The anterior, middle,
and posterior cranial fossae house the anterior frontal lobe, temporal lobe,
and cerebellum and brain stem, respectively. The fossae are separated from each
other by bony structures and dural membranes. A swelling of the brain or the
presence of mass lesions can selectively exert pressure within an individual
fossa. The perforated cribriform plate allows the olfactory nerves to penetrate
into the olfactory bulb, a site where head trauma can result in the tearing of
the penetrating olfactory nerve fibers.
Frontal bone
Sulcus of superior sagittal sinus Frontal crest, Sulcus for anterior meningeal vessels Foramen cecum, Internal surface of orbital part
Ethmoid bone
Crista galli Cribriform plate
Sphenoid bone
Lesser wing, Anterior clinoid process Greater wing, Sulcus for middle meningeal vessels (frontal branches), Body, Jugum Prechiasmatic sulcus, Tuberculum sellae, Sella turcica, Hypophyseal fossa Posterior clinoid process Dorsum sellae, Groove for internal carotid artery
Temporal bone
Squamous part Petrous part,
Sulcus of
lesser petrosal nerve Sulcus of greater petrosal nerve Cartilage of auditory
tube Arcuate eminence Sulcus of superior petrosal sinus Sulcus
of sigmoid sinus
Parietal bone
Sulcus for middle meningeal vessels (parietal branches), Mastoid angle
Occipital bone
Basilar part, Sulcus of inferior petrosal sinus Sulci
for posterior meningeal vessels Condyle, Sulcus of transverse sinus Sulcus of occipital sinus Internal occipital
crest, Internal occipital protuberance, Sulcus of superior sagittal sinus