Male Pelvis Cross Section of Bladder Prostate Gland Junction Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Male Pelvis Cross Section of Bladder Prostate Gland Junction Anatomy

Male Pelvis: Cross Section of Bladder Prostate Gland Junction Anatomy

Male Pelvis: Cross Section of Bladder Prostate Gland Junction Anatomy
Spermatic cord, Beginning of urethra, Prostate gland, Psoas muscle and tendon, Iliacus muscle, Head of femur, Neck of femur, Gluteus medius muscle, Gluteus minimus tendon, Greater trochanter, Inferior gemellus muscle, Right sciatic nerve, Gluteus maximus muscle, Obturator internus muscle, Sacrotuberous ligament, Openings of ejaculatory ducts (in prostatic urethra), 
Anorectal flexure (termination of rectum, beginning of anal canal) Tip of coccyx, Interior of urinary bladder, Adductor longus muscle, Pectineus muscle, Femoral vein, Femoral artery, Femoral nerve, Sartorius muscle, Iliopsoas muscle, Rectus femoris muscle, Tensor fasciae latae muscle, Obturator artery, vein, and nerve, Acetabular fossa, Lunate (articular) surface of acetabulum, Left sciatic nerve, Internal pudendal artery and vein, Pudendal nerve, Fat body of ischioanal fossa, Levator ani muscle puboanalis (puborectalis), Superior portion of pubic symphysis, Body of pubis.

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