Urethra Anatomy
Prostate gland, Internal urethral sphincter muscle, Prostatic sinuses, Prostatic
utricle, External urethral sphincter muscle, Bulb of penis, Crus of penis, Corpus
cavernosum, Tunica albuginea, Corpus spongiosum, Tunica albuginea, Deep artery
of penis,
Intercavernous septum of deep (Buck’s) fascia, Urethral lacunae (of
Morgagni) and urethral glands (of Littré), Lacuna magna (inconstant), Navicular
fossa, Glans penis, External urethral orifice, Roof of urethra, Floor of urethra,
Trigone of urinary bladder, Uvula of bladder, Urethral crest, Openings of prostatic
ducts, Openings of ejaculatory ducts, Bulbourethral (Cowper’s) gland, Openings
of bulbourethral ducts, Prostatic urethra, Membranous urethra, Bulbous portion,
Pendulous (penile) portion, Spongy (cavernous) urethra.