Male Perineum and External Genitalia (Superficial Dissection) Anatomy
Superficial fatty (Camper’s) and deeper membranous (Scarpa’s) layers of
superficial fascia, Skin of penis, Deep (Buck’s) fascia of penis, Dartos fascia
of penis and scrotum, Saphenous opening and femoral artery and vein,
Great saphenous
vein, Superficial perineal (Colles’) fascia, Dashed line indicates line of attachment
of Colles’ and Scarpa’s fasciae with deep fascia, Fat body in ischioanal fossa,
Deep (investing) fascia over external abdominal oblique muscle, External spermatic
fascia, Anterior superior iliac spine, Inguinal ligament (Poupart’s), Fascia
lata (deep fascia) of thigh, Ischiopubic ramus, Anus, Pubic symphysis, Urogenital
triangle, Ischiopubic ramus, Ischial tuberosity, Anal triangle, Tip of coccyx, Regions
(triangles) of perineum: surface topography