Fingers Anatomy
Epiphysis, Nail matrix, Nail root, Synovial
membrane, Articular cartilage, Middle phalanx, Eponychium (cuticle), Lunula, Nail
bed, Body of nail, Sagittal section, Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon, Central
tendon, Fibrous tendon sheath of finger, Synovial (flexor tendon) sheath of
Flexor digitorum profundus tendon, Palmar ligament (palmar plate), Articular
cavity, Nerves Arteries Septa, Distal phalanx, Distal anterior closed space
(pulp), Body of nail, Nail bed, Distal phalanx, Fibrous septa and areolar tissue
in anterior closed space (pulp), Dorsal digital artery and nerve, Minute
arteries, Fine nerves, Cross section through distal phalanx, Dorsal branches of
proper palmar digital arteries and nerves to dorsum of middle and distal
phalangeal bones, Arteries and nerves, Nutrient branches to metaphysis, Nutrient
branch to epiphysis, Proper palmar digital artery and nerve, Proper palmar
digital artery to neighboring digit.