Veins of Posterior Cranial Fossa Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Veins of Posterior Cranial Fossa Anatomy

Veins of Posterior Cranial Fossa Anatomy
Left superior and inferior colliculi, Basal vein (of Rosenthal), Posterior mesencephalic vein, Medial geniculate body, Lateral geniculate body, Optic tract, Left thalamus (cut surface), Inferior thalamostriate veins, Optic nerve (CN II), Oculomotor nerve (CN III), Trochlear nerve (CN IV), Lateral mesencephalic vein, Deep middle cerebral vein (cut), Anterior cerebral vein, Anterior pontomesencephalic vein, Petrosal vein (draining to superior petrosal sinus), Superior, middle, and inferior cerebellar peduncles, Trigeminal nerve (CN V), 

Veins of Posterior Cranial Fossa Anatomy
Transverse pontine vein, Lateral pontine vein, Anteromedian medullary vein, Vein of lateral recess of 4th ventricle, Anterior spinal vein 4th ventricle with choroid plexus, Confluence of sinuses, Left transverse, sinus (cut), Superior sagittal sinus, Left pulvinar, Right pulvinar, Internal cerebral veins, Dorsal vein of corpus callosum, Inferior sagittal sinus, Straight sinus, Falx cerebri, Splenium of corpus callosum, Great cerebral vein (of Galen), Tentorium cerebelli (cut), Superior vermian vein, Inferior vermian vein, Falx cerebelli (cut) and occipital sinus, Inferior cerebellar hemispheric veins, Posterior spinal vein, Precentral cerebellar vein, Preculminate vein, Intraculminate vein, Superior cerebellar vein (inconstant) (Inferior retrotonsillar) vein of cerebellomedullary cistern, Superior retrotonsillar vein

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