Olfactory Nerve (CN I): Schema Anatomy
Efferent fibers to olfactory bulb, Afferent fibers from bulb to central connections and contralateral bulb, Granule cell
(excited by and inhibiting
to mitral and tufted
cells), Mitral cell, Recurrent process, Tufted cell, Periglomerular
cell, Glomerulus, Subcallosal area, Olfactory nerve fibers, Septal area and nuclei,
Fibers from, Fibers to, Contralateral
olfactory bulb, Anterior commissure, Medial olfactory
Olfactory cells, Olfactory mucosa, Olfactory nerves (CN I), Olfactory bulb, Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone, Anterior olfactory nucleus. Olfactory tract, Olfactory trigone and olfactory tubercle, Lateral
olfactory stria, Lateral olfactory
tract nucleus, Anterior perforated
substance, Amygdaloid body (phantom), Piriform cortex, Uncus, Fimbria of
hippocampus, Dentate gyrus, Parahippocampal
Dura mater.