Cross Section at L1–2, Intervertebral Disc Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Cross Section at L1–2, Intervertebral Disc Anatomy

Cross Section at L1–2, Intervertebral Disc Anatomy
Pancreas with uncinate process, Transverse colon, Junction of 2nd and 3rd parts of duodenum, Ascending colon, Liver, Right renal vein (entering inferior vena cava), Right kidney, Inferior vena cava, Right crus of respiratory diaphragm,

Psoas major muscle, L1–2 intervertebral disc, Conus medullaris and cauda equine, Superior mesenteric vein, Superior mesenteric artery, Transverse colon, Ileum, Jejunum, Perirenal fat, Ureteropelvic junction, Descending colon, Renal fascia, Left kidney, Major calyx and renal pelvis, Pararenal fat, Left renal artery, Left renal vein (entering inferior vena cava), Left crus of respiratory diaphragm, Greater omentum, Abdominal aorta.

Cross Section at L1–2, Intervertebral Disc Anatomy

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