Cranial Nerves (Motor and Sensory
Distribution): Schema Anatomy
CN I Olfactory, Nasal cavity CN II
Optic Eye, CN III, Oculomotor, Ciliary muscle, sphincter pupillae, and all external eye muscles except those below, CN IV, Trochlear, Superior oblique muscle, CN VI, Abducens, Lateral rectus
muscle, CN V, Trigeminal, Motor—muscles of mastication: tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, Intermediate nerve, Motor—submandibular, sublingual, lacrimal glands, Taste—anterior 2⁄3 of tongue, sensory soft palate
CN VIII, Vestibulocochlear, Cochlear
Vestibular, CN IX, Glossopharyngeal, Taste—posterior 1⁄3 of tongue, Sensory—tonsil, pharynx, middle ear, Motor—stylopharyngeus, parotid gland, CN X, Vagus, Motor—heart,
lungs, palate, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, GI tract, Sensory—heart, lungs, trachea, bronchi, larynx, pharynx, GI tract, external ear, CN XI, Accessory, Sternocleidomastoid, trapezius muscles, Infrahyoid
muscles (C1, 2, 3 fibers), CN XII, Hypoglossal, Tongue muscles, CN VII, Facial, Efferent (motor) fibers, Afferent (sensory) fibers, Spinal nerve
fibers, Sensory—face,
sinuses, teeth, orbit
and oral cavities, dura mater, Muscles of face, stapedius, posterior belly of digastric, stylohyoid, occipitalis, auricularis muscles.