Cervical Plexus: Schema Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Cervical Plexus: Schema Anatomy

Cervical Plexus: Schema Anatomy
Sternocleidomastoid muscle (cut), Accessory nerve (CN XI), Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), Geniohyoid muscle, Great auricular nerve, Lesser occipital nerve, Greater occipital nerve (from posterior ramus of C2), Thyrohyoid muscle, Superior root of ansa cervicalis, Inferior root of ansa cervicalis, Transverse cervical nerve, 

Nerves to anterior and lateral rectus capitis and longus capitis and colli muscles, Nerves to longus capitis and colli and levator scapulae muscles, Trapezius muscle, Nerves to longus capitis and colli, levator scapulae, and middle scalene muscles, Contribution to brachial plexus (i.e., pre-fixed plexus), Phrenic nerve, Omohyoid muscle (superior belly), Sternothyroid muscle, Nerve to thyrohyoid muscle, Sternohyoid muscle, Ansa cervicalis, Omohyoid muscle (inferior belly), Sternocleidomastoid muscle (cut), Supraclavicular nerves (medial, intermediate, and lateral).
Cervical Plexus: Schema Anatomy

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