Blood Vessels in Parenchyma of Kidney: Schema Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Sunday, May 19, 2019

Blood Vessels in Parenchyma of Kidney: Schema Anatomy

Blood Vessels in Parenchyma of Kidney: Schema Anatomy
Afferent glomerular arteriole, Efferent glomerular arteriole, Juxtamedullary glomerulus (efferent glomerular arteriole descends into renal pyramid), Renal capsule, Cortical glomerulus, Efferent glomerular arteriole (joins cortical capillary plexus), Cortical capillary plexus, Stellate veins, Corticomedullary glomerulus

Efferent glomerular arteriole (joins cortical capillary plexus and also descends into renal pyramid), Capsular and perforating veins, Subcapsular zone, Interlobular arteries and veins, Arcuate artery and vein, Vasa rectae spuria (from juxtamedullary efferent glomerular arterioles), Vasa rectae vera (from arcuate and interlobular arteries), Venulae rectae, Medullary capillary plexus, Interlobar artery and vein, Renal column (of Bertin), Henle’s loop of nephron, Collecting tubule, Collecting duct Interlobar artery and vein in perirenal fat of renal sinus.
Blood Vessels in Parenchyma of Kidney: Schema Anatomy

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