Arteries of Brain: Frontal View and Section Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Friday, May 24, 2019

Arteries of Brain: Frontal View and Section Anatomy

Arteries of Brain: Frontal View and Section Anatomy
Corpus callosum, Prefrontal artery, Anterolateral central (lenticulostriate) arteries, Lateral frontobasal (orbitofrontal) artery, Artery of postcentral sulcus (anterior parietal artery), Arteries of precentral and central sulcus, Posterior parietal artery, Artery to angular gyrus, Anterior communicating artery, Temporal branches (anterior, middle, and posterior), Middle cerebral artery and branches (deep in lateral cerebral [sylvian] sulcus), Posterior communicating artery, Anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA), Posterior spinal artery, Corpus striatum (caudate and lentiform nuclei), Anterolateral central (lenticulostriate) arteries,

Insula (island of Reil), Arteries of precentral and central sulcus and parietal arteries, Lateral (sylvian) sulcus, Temporal branches of middle cerebral artery, Temporal lobe, Middle cerebral artery, Internal carotid artery, Paracentral artery, Medial frontal branches, Pericallosal artery, Callosomarginal artery, Frontopolar artery, Anterior cerebral arteries, Medial frontobasal (orbitofrontal) artery, Long medial striate artery (recurrent artery of Heubner), Internal carotid artery, Anterior choroidal artery, Posterior cerebral artery, Superior cerebellar artery, Basilar and pontine arteries, Labyrinthine artery, Vertebral artery, Posterior inferior cerebellar artery, Anterior spinal artery, Falx cerebri, Callosomarginal arteries and, Pericallosal arteries (branches of anterior cerebral arteries), Trunk of corpus callosum, Internal capsule, Septum pellucidum, Rostrum of corpus callosum, Anterior cerebral arteries, Long medial striate artery (recurrent artery of Heubner), Anterior communicating artery, Optic chiasm.
Arteries of Brain: Frontal View and Section Anatomy

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