Autonomic Reflex Pathways Schema Anatomy - pediagenosis
Article Update

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Autonomic Reflex Pathways Schema Anatomy

Autonomic Reflex Pathways: Schema Anatomy
Sympathetic trunk Posterior root Thoracic part of spinal cord, Intermediolateral cell column, Posterior root (spinal) ganglion, Ganglion of sympathetic trunk, Spinal nerve to muscles, joints, vessels, and glands of skin

Autonomic Reflex Pathways: Schema Anatomy
White ramus communicans, Gray ramus communicans, Ganglion of sympathetic trunk, Anterior root, Meningeal branch to spinal meninges and spinal perivascular plexuses (usually arises from spinal nerve), Greater, lesser, and least thoracic splanchnic nerves, Pain, Vagus nerve (CN X), Ganglion of sympathetic trunk, Celiac ganglion, Enteric plexuses Superior mesenteric ganglion.

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