Veins of Esophagus
Inferior thyroid vein, Internal
jugular vein, External
jugular vein, Subclavian vein, Vertebral vein, Inferior thyroid vein, Internal jugular vein, Right brachiocephalic vein, Superior vena cava, Right superior intercostal vein, Esophagus, 6th right posterior intercostal vein, Azygos vein, Junction of accessory hemiazygos and azygos veins, Inferior
vena cava (cut), Respiratory
diaphragm, Liver,
Hepatic veins, Inferior vena cava, Hepatic portal vein, Right renal vein, Left gastric vein, Right gastric vein, Esophageal branches of left gastric vein, Superior mesenteric vein Inferior
mesenteric vein, Left gastroomental (gastroepiploic) vein, Splenic vein Left suprarenal vein, Omental (epiploic) veins, Left renal vein, Left inferior phrenic vein, Short gastric veins, Submucosal
venous plexus, Hemiazygos vein, Accessory hemiazygos
vein, Esophageal veins (plexus), Left superior intercostal
vein, Left brachiocephalic vein, Thoracic duct, Subclavian vein.