Spinal Meninges and Nerve Roots Anatomy - pediagenosis
Article Update

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Spinal Meninges and Nerve Roots Anatomy

Spinal Meninges and Nerve Roots Anatomy
Posterior view Anterior root of spinal nerve, Within meningeal sheath Posterior root of spinal nerve, Posterior root (spinal) ganglion, White and gray rami communicantes, Anterior ramus of spinal nerve, Posterior ramus of spinal nerve, Dura mater, Arachnoid mater, Pia mater overlying spinal cord, Rootlets of posterior root, Denticulate ligament, Dura and arachnoid mater removed: anterior view (greatly magnified).

Gray matter, White matter, Rootlets of posterior root, Posterior root of spinal nerve, Rootlets of anterior root, Posterior root (spinal) ganglion, Posterior ramus of spinal nerve, Anterior ramus of spinal nerve, Anterior root of spinal nerve, Spinal nerve, Gray and white rami communicantes, Lateral horn, Posterior horn, Anterior horn.

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