Sacrum and Coccyx Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sacrum and Coccyx Anatomy

Sacrum and Coccyx Anatomy
Base of sacrum, Superior articular process, Sacral canal, Ala (wing), Promontory, Sacral part of pelvic brim (linea terminalis), Facets of superior articular processes, Transverse section through S2 foramina, Anterior (pelvic) sacral foramina, Transverse process of coccyx, Posterior sacral foramen, Intervertebral foramen, Anterior (pelvic) sacral foramen, Pelvic surface, Paramedian sagittal section, Anteroinferior view, Posterosuperior view, Transverse process of coccyx,
Coccygeal cornu (horn), Sacral cornu (horn), Sacral hiatus, Pelvic surface, Posterior surface, Apex of sacrum, Transverse ridges, Auricular surface, Median sacral crest, Sacral canal, Coccyx, Sacral tuberosity, Lateral sacral crest, Median sacral crest, Intermediate sacral crest, Sacral hiatus, Posterior sacral foramina.

Sacrum and Coccyx Anatomy Base of sacrum, Superior articular process, Sacral canal, Ala (wing), Promontory, Sacral part of pelvic brim (linea terminalis), Facets of superior articular processes, Transverse section through S2 foramina, Anterior (pelvic) sacral foramina, Transverse process of coccyx, Posterior sacral foramen, Intervertebral foramen, Anterior (pelvic) sacral foramen, Pelvic surface, Paramedian sagittal section, Anteroinferior view, Posterosuperior view, Transverse process of coccyx, Coccygeal cornu (horn), Sacral cornu (horn), Sacral hiatus, Pelvic surface, Posterior surface, Apex of sacrum, Transverse ridges, Auricular surface, Median sacral crest, Sacral canal, Coccyx, Sacral tuberosity, Lateral sacral crest, Median sacral crest, Intermediate sacral crest, Sacral hiatus, Posterior sacral foramina.

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