Respiratory Diaphragm Abdominal Surface Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Respiratory Diaphragm Abdominal Surface Anatomy

Respiratory Diaphragm: Abdominal Surface Anatomy
Sternal part of respiratory diaphragm, Anterior branch of right phrenic nerve, Right inferior phrenic artery, Caval foramen opening, Right crus of respiratory diaphragm, Greater thoracic splanchnic nerve, Lesser thoracic splanchnic nerve, Least thoracic splanchnic nerve, Phrenic ganglion, Costal part of respiratory diaphragm, Quadratus, lumborum muscle, Psoas major muscle, Sympathetic trunk, Celiac trunk, Costal part of respiratory diaphragm

Respiratory Diaphragm: Abdominal Surface Anatomy

Central tendon of respiratory diaphragm, Esophageal hiatus, Fibers from right crus passing to left of esophageal hiatus, Left inferior phrenic artery, Recurrent branch to esophagus, Left superior suprarenal artery, Left phrenic nerve, Left crus of respiratory diaphragm, Lumbocostal triangle 12th rib, Lateral arcuate ligament, Medial arcuate ligament, Transverse process of L1 vertebra, Median arcuate ligament, Abdominal aorta.

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