Regions and Planes of Abdomen Anatomy - pediagenosis
Article Update

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Regions and Planes of Abdomen Anatomy

Regions and Planes of Abdomen Anatomy
Right lateral rectus plane linea semilunaris, Left lateral rectus plane linea semilunaris, Right midclavicular line, Left midclavicular line, Epigastric region, Right hypochondriac region, Transpyloric plane Subcostal plane, 

Regions and Planes of Abdomen Anatomy Right lateral rectus plane linea semilunaris, Left lateral rectus plane linea semilunaris, Right midclavicular line, Left midclavicular line, Epigastric region, Right hypochondriac region, Transpyloric plane Subcostal plane, Umbilical region Right lateral region, Intertubercular plane Interspinous plane Right inguinal region Hypogastric (pubic) region, Left inguinal region, Left lateral lumbar  region, Left hypochondriac region.

Umbilical region Right lateral region, Intertubercular plane Interspinous plane Right inguinal region Hypogastric (pubic) region, Left inguinal region, Left lateral lumbar  region, Left hypochondriac region.

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