Innervation of Tracheobronchial Tree: Schema Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Innervation of Tracheobronchial Tree: Schema Anatomy

Innervation of Tracheobronchial Tree: Schema Anatomy
From hypothalamic and higher centers, Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), Descending tracts in spinal cord, Thoracic spinal cord, Vagus nerve (CN X) (cholinergic; efferent to smooth muscle and glands; afferent from aorta tracheobronchial mucosa, and alveoli), Afferent nerves from nose and sinuses (via trigeminal [CN V] and glossopharyngeal [CN IX] nerves) may also initiate reflexes in airways Superior cervical ganglion, Sympathetic nerves (adrenergic),

Carotid sinus, Carotid body, Common carotid artery, Superior laryngeal nerve, Larynx, Arch of aorta, Left recurrent laryngeal nerve, Cough receptors, Cough receptors, Irritant receptors, Pulmonary plexus, Sympathetic trunk, Stretch receptors (Hering-Breuer reflex), Parasympathetic fibers, Sympathetic fibers, Afferent fibers, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, Inferior ganglia.

Innervation of Tracheobronchial Tree: Schema Anatomy From hypothalamic and higher centers, Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), Descending tracts in spinal cord, Thoracic spinal cord, Vagus nerve (CN X) (cholinergic; efferent to smooth muscle and glands; afferent from aorta tracheobronchial mucosa, and alveoli), Afferent nerves from nose and sinuses (via trigeminal [CN V] and glossopharyngeal [CN IX] nerves) may also initiate reflexes in airways Superior cervical ganglion, Sympathetic nerves (adrenergic), Carotid sinus, Carotid body, Common carotid artery, Superior laryngeal nerve, Larynx, Arch of aorta, Left recurrent laryngeal nerve, Cough receptors, Cough receptors, Irritant receptors, Pulmonary plexus, Sympathetic trunk, Stretch receptors (Hering-Breuer reflex), Parasympathetic fibers, Sympathetic fibers, Afferent fibers, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, Inferior ganglia.

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