Femoral Sheath and Inguinal Canal Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Femoral Sheath and Inguinal Canal Anatomy

Femoral Sheath and Inguinal Canal Anatomy
Transversalis fascia (cut edge), Extraperitoneal fascia, Parietal peritoneum, Median umbilical ligament (urachus), Medial umbilical ligament (fibrous part of umbilical artery), Inferior epigastric vessels, Falciform margin of saphenous opening (cut and reflected), Deep circumflex iliac vessels, Testicular vessels, Cremasteric artery, Ductus deferens, External iliac vessels, Accessory obturator vessels, External oblique aponeurosis (cut), Internal spermatic fascia on spermatic cord, Femoral nerve (deep to iliopsoas fascia), Femoral vessels in femoral sheath, Transversalis fascia forms anterior wall of femoral sheath (posterior wall formed by iliopsoas fascia).

Urinary bladder, Ureter, Genitofemoral nerve, Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve Iliac fascia, Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve, Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve, Testicular vessels, External iliac vessels, Inferior epigastric vessels, Ductus deferens and cremasteric artery, Femoral ring, Transversalis fascia forms anterior wall of femoral sheath, Lymph node (Cloquet’s) in femoral canal, Femoral sheath (cut open) Inguinal ligament (Poupart’s)Pectineal ligament (Cooper’s), Lacunar ligament (Gimbernat’s).

Femoral Sheath and Inguinal Canal Anatomy

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