Veins of Internal Thoracic Wall Anatomy
Right brachiocephalic
vein, Superior thoracic
aperture 1st rib, Left brachiocephalic vein, Accessory hemiazygos vein, Internal
thoracic veins, Body of
sternum Anterior perforating veins, Superior epigastric veins, Inferior to the respiratory
diaphragm, the azygos and hemiazygos veins have connections with the ascending
lumbar and/or the subcostal veins.

The azygos vein may also arise from the inferior vena cava and the hemiazygos vein from the left renal vein. Right superior intercostal vein, Superior vena cava, Posterior intercostal vein, Azygos vein, Hemiazygos vein, Anterior intercostal vein.

The azygos vein may also arise from the inferior vena cava and the hemiazygos vein from the left renal vein. Right superior intercostal vein, Superior vena cava, Posterior intercostal vein, Azygos vein, Hemiazygos vein, Anterior intercostal vein.