Pterygoid Fossae Anatomy
Posterior view : External
occipital protuberance (inion), External
occipital crest, Inferior
nuchal line, Foramen magnum, Inferior orbital fissure, Mastoid
process, Styloid process, Pterygoid fossa, Zygomatic arch, Inferior concha, Horizontal
plate of palatine bone, Tuberosity of
maxillary bone, Palatine
process of maxillary bone, Incisive fossa. Superior nuchal line, Nasal septum, Choana, Mastoid
foramen, Occipitomastoid suture, Occipital
condyle, Lateral pterygoid plate, Medial pterygoid plate, Pyramidal
process of palatine bone, Pterygoid Hamulus, Alveolar
process of maxillary bone.
Foramen ovale, Sphenopalatine
foramen, Pterygopalatine fossa, Choanae, Lateral plate, Medial plate, Pterygoid Hamulus of pterygoid process, Tuberosity of maxillary bone, Infratemporal
fossa, Alveolar process of maxillary bone, Pyramidal process of palatine bone.