Proximal Maxillary and Superficial Temporal Arteries Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Proximal Maxillary and Superficial Temporal Arteries Anatomy

Proximal Maxillary and Superficial Temporal Arteries ANATOMY
Lateral view : Transverse facial artery, Maxillary artery, Deep temporal arteries, Lateral ligament, Masseteric artery, Zygomatic process of temporal bone, Joint capsule, Temporomandibular joint capsule.

Proximal Maxillary and Superficial Temporal Arteries ANATOMY
Medial view : Superficial temporal artery, Deep auricular artery, Anterior tympanic artery, Middle meningeal artery, Deep temporal artery, Maxillary artery, Masseteric artery, Sphenomandibular ligament, Transverse facial artery, Inferior alveolar artery, Maxillary artery, Zygomatic process of temporal bone, Joint capsule, Lateral pterygoid muscle (cut)Facial artery, Facial artery, Lingual artery.

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