Paranasal Sinuses: Coronal and Transverse Sections Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Paranasal Sinuses: Coronal and Transverse Sections Anatomy

Paranasal Sinuses: Coronal and Transverse Sections ANATOMY
Coronal section : Falx cerebri, Brain, Nasal septum, Middle nasal concha, Middle nasal meatus, Maxillary sinus Inferior nasal concha, Inferior nasal meatus, Palatine process of maxillary bone, Oral cavity Genioglossus  muscle, Mylohyoid muscle, Geniohyoid muscle, Olfactory bulbs, Frontal sinus, Ethmoidal cells Lacrimal gland, Opening of maxillary sinus, Alveolar process of maxillary bone, Buccinator muscle

Paranasal Sinuses: Coronal and Transverse Sections ANATOMY
Body of tongue Sublingual gland, Mandible (body), Anterior belly of digastric muscle, Recesses of maxillary sinus, Infraorbital, Zygomatic, Alveolar and membrane, Nasal bone, Coronal section, Transverse section, Medial rectus muscle, Ethmoidal cells, Retrobulbar fat Optic chiasm, Eyeball, Nasal septum, Medial wall of orbit, Sphenoidal sinuses, Temporal lobe, Optic nerve (CN II), Temporalis muscle, Mammillary bodies, Cerebral aqueduct, Cerebral peduncle, Vermis, Interpeduncular fossa, Zygomatic bone, Optic tract.

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