Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity (continued) ANATOMY - pediagenosis
Article Update

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity (continued) ANATOMY

Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity (continued) ANATOMY
Frontal bone, Squamous part Frontal sinus, Nasal spine, Nasal bone Agger nasi, Lateral process of nasal septal cartilage, Major alar cartilage, Alar fibrofatty tissue, Maxillary  bone Frontal process Anterior nasal spine, Incisive canal, Palatine process Alveolar process, Inferior nasal concha, Lacrimal bone, Ethmoid bone, Middle nasal concha Uncinate process, Cribriform plate, Superior nasal concha Highest nasal concha, Sphenoethmoidal  recess Sphenopalatine foramen, Basilar part of occipital bone, Sphenoidal sinus, Medial and Lateral plates of pterygoid process, Pterygoid Hamulus, Sphenoid bone, Sphenoidal process, Orbital process Posterior nasal spine Perpendicular plate.

Horizontal plate, Palatine bone, Ethmoidal bulla, Opening of middle ethmoidal cells Superior nasal concha (cut away), Openings of posterior ethmoidal cells Opening of sphenoidal sinus, Frontal sinus, Opening of frontonasal canal Middle nasal concha (cut away), Infundibulum leading to frontonasal recess, Superior nasal concha (cut away), Openings of posterior ethmoidal cells Opening of sphenoidal sinus, Openings into maxillary sinus, Uncinate process, Sphenopalatine foramen, Inferior nasal concha (cut away), Opening of nasolacrimal canal, Lesser palatine foramen Greater palatine foramen, Infundibulum leading to frontonasal recessEthmoidal process of inferior nasal concha, Semilunar hiatus (osteomeatal unit) with opening of anterior ethmoidal cells.

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