Skull: Radiographs Anatomy - pediagenosis
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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Skull: Radiographs Anatomy

Skull: Radiographs Anatomy
Posterior anterior view ( Sagittal suture, Lesser wing of sphenoid bone, Petrous part of temporal bone, Mastoid cells, Nasal septum, Dens (C2), Body of axis, Coronal suture, Lambdoid suture, Frontal sinus, Superior orbital fissure, Foramen rotundum, Maxillary sinus, Inferior nasal concha).

Skull: Radiographs Anatomy
Waters’ view ( Frontal sinus, Supraorbital margin, Zygomaticofrontal suture, Infraorbital foramen, Maxillary sinus, Mastoid cells, Lateral mass of atlas, Ethmoidal sinus, Nasal bone, Nasal septum, Zygomatic bone, Zygomatic arch, Mandibular condyle, Angle of mandible, Dens) .

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